Category Archives: Writing
Bear Claws Reviewed by Readers’ Favorite
Readers’ Favorite has awarded its Five Star seal to Bear Claws, The Iron Horse Chronicles–Book Two, and has provided the following review by Jack Magnus: “Bear Claws: The Iron Horse Chronicles, Book Two is a historical coming of age novel … Continue reading
Will Rogers Medallion Award Finalist
Eagle Talons, The Iron Horse Chronicles–Book One, has been chosen as a 2015 Will Rogers Medallion Award finalist. According to the award organization’s website, “Will Rogers was a respected writer and cowboy entertainer whose work embodied and demonstrated the traditions … Continue reading
[media-credit name=”ENC Graphic Services” align=”alignleft” width=”194″][/media-credit] I received the Advance Reading Copy of Bear Claws, The Iron Horse Chronicles–Book Two on July 10th. Since then, I have been busy proofreading the “galley” with the help of family members and friends. … Continue reading
Hobbs, New Mexico, Book Signing Brought Back Memories
On Sunday, June 28, 2015, I was privileged to hold a book signing for Eagle Talons, The Iron Horse Chronicles–Book One, at the Western Heritage Museum and Lea County Cowboy Hall of Fame on the campus of New Mexico Junior College … Continue reading
Western Writers of America 2015 Convention
From Tuesday through Saturday, June 25- 27, I participated in the 2015 Western Writers of America convention in Lubbock, Texas. Between the many educational and entertaining sessions, I had the chance to socialize with some of the best writers of western literature … Continue reading
Farmington, New Mexico, Book Signing Successful
The book signing at Hastings in Farmington, NM, was a great success. Several books were sold and autographed, many bookmarks were distributed, and I had the opportunity to discuss Eagle Talons, The Iron Horse Chronicles–Book One, with many interested readers. … Continue reading
Bullhead City Book Signing Successful
On Tuesday, April 7, 2015, I held a successful book signing for Eagle Talons, The Iron Horse Chronicles–Book One, at the Hastings book store in Bullhead City, Arizona. My wife, Barbara, and I had gone to Laughlin, Nevada, for a short vacation, and … Continue reading
SCBWI Writers Workshop with Suzanne Morgan Williams
The Las Vegas, Nevada, contingent of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators sponsored a Writers Workshop conducted by award-winning author Suzanne Morgan Williams on March 7, 2015. Suzanne is the author of the middle grade novel, Bull Rider, published by … Continue reading