With the Iron Horse Chronicles trilogy approaching completion, I have changed the header on this website. For the past couple of years, Union Pacific’s Engine 119 has been approaching Promontory Summit in Utah from a distance. On July 19, 2017, Golden Spike will be released by Five Star Publishing, and the trilogy about Will Braddock’s quest to determine his own destiny will be complete. It is appropriate that with publication of the final volume about to occur, Engine 119 needs to draw nearer its destination. Stay tuned for another change to the header on July 19.
We are so excited to finally have the 3rd book to add to our collection. Continuing love and pride to you ~ Your sister, Suzy
Thanks, sister. I appreciate your support.
Your careful attention to history and character make for a successful ride. You deserve to pull into the station for a well-deserved stop. Many congrats again, on the success of your trilogy!
Thank you, Joanne, for your continued support of my writing efforts. You beat me to the finish line in completing your own wonderful trilogy. I’m just trying to keep up. Regards, Robert