Famous WWI Recruiting Poster
Regular readers of my blog know I am a regular contributor to another blog, Mad About MG History, which is devoted to providing information to teachers and librarians who are engaged in educating middle grade students about the joys and necessity of studying history. On April 27, 2017, I wrote a blog about World War I because one hundred years ago this month the United States entered that war. In my post I suggested numerous books suitable for young readers to learn about that “Great War” that was supposed to be the “war to end all wars.” As adults know, history repeats itself. It is important that young students appreciate that fact, as well. It is particularly true today with the United States involved in so many conflicts around the globe: Syria, Afghanistan, and North Korea being especially troublesome.
You can read my blog post about WWI here: http://madaboutmghistory.blogspot.com/